A short live story from Derwêş Serhedî
Derwêş Serhedî was born in the village
Cilavuz (Suzus), next to Kars in fall
1964. The village is in the mountains of
Kisir. The village had at that time
about 70 to 80 houses. As well as the
business situation and the dirty war in
North Kurdistan were the reasons why
many people left their home for good.
The Kurdish people had left behind their
native country and went to the Turkish
metropolitains. At that time there were
just about 20 to 25 houses left over.
Derwêş Serhedî belonged to the
upper-middle-class and had no financial
problems. He belongs to a classic
Kurdish family.
He visited the elementary school in his
village. The grammar school and the
comprehensive school did he visit in the
providence town Kars. From 1985 to 1987
he served the Turkish Military Service.
In September 1982 he left Kurdistan and
went to Europe. He now lives in Germany.
In his young years Derwêş was interested
in the traditional authentic Kurdish
music. His uncle Riza’é Fetî was a
lurder-pipe-player and Kurdish minstrel
(Dengebêj). Many of his relatives were
interested in the traditional Kurdish
music. The love to the Kurdish folklore
and music in the family had impressed
particularly Derwêş. Actually as one can
say he felt in love with music.
Recapitulation: Derwêş was in his young
years interested in Kurdish music and
art. He did not want to serve the
colony. He didn´t want to do business
with his folk cultural values.
Derwêş had already dreamed in his
boyhood to live an artistic life. For
him, the study was not more important as
his interesting in art or respectively
Derwêş was already in his young years a
good auditor from radio Erivan (Kurdish
broadcast). He was nearly on every
wedding which was made in his region. He
took with enthusiasm a part in it. It
was for him a vitality to take part in
his conference and singing from
Dengebêj´s. He listened with a big
pleasure and motivation to the
traditional Kurdish music. With the
option to sing one day, too.
Some singers from radio Erivan, like
Şeroyê Biro, Karapêtê Xaço, Egîdê Tecir,
Reşîdê Baso, Şewabê Egîd, Davûdê Xelo
and Mey player Egîdê Cimo and Xelîlê
The flute and lurder-pipe-player Şamilê
Beko had left a very positive impression
on Derwêş.
Derwêş had begun to play Saz in 1978.
Later he played instruments like zurna
and mey. Derwêş had realized very soon
that the mey-player and their material
didn´t accord to his flavour. They were
not the melodies from the radio Erivan
(Egîdê Cimo, Xelîlê Evdile). Derwêş´ aim
always was to learn. His dream was to
meet singers and artists from radio
Erivan face to face. He had achieved his
dream and went to Armenia and Georgia in
1995. He achieved his aim. He visited
the numerous Kurdish artists. He met the
Kurdish people who were displaced from
their native country and lived in
Caucasia. He met a lot of famous Kurdish
artists, like Reşîdê Baso, Karapêtê
Xaço, Egîdê Têcir, Efoyê Eset, Egîdê
Cimo, Şeroyê Qasim (Pîr), Şiblîyê Çaçan
and the Armenian Civan Gasparyan and
Suren Asaturyan and more. Derwêş had
went on with his artistic and social
activity in Europe. He had worked
together with professional bands and
folklore groups.
In 1997, Derwêş released his first
Kurdish cassette
(Kûra Çayê).
In 2000 he released his second album
Gelerî-Xecê û Sîyabend).
His third album came out on the
markeSitiranên Gelerî.htmt in 2004
(Şerê Girîdaxê).
Derwêş lives far away from Kurdistan. He
lives in a foreign country, but he is
always with his folk.
As well as on wedding and on other